Friday, January 10, 2020

Weekly Update!

I really missed seeing the girls on Monday and Tuesday, but Kim mentioned they did great in my absence! Thank you for all of your well wishes. The surgery went well, and my daughter started feeling much better yesterday.

We had a great week! In math, we finished multiplication and division of 2's and 3's, and we will move on to 4's facts next week. The girls continue to be doing very well with these concepts. I recommend quizzing your daughter on these facts (whenever you have a chance) and make it fun!

In writing, the girls wrote their rough drafts for their "Trapped in a Snow Globe" stories, and I have been diligently conducting one-on-one conferences with each girl. It will take me a while to get through everyone, but they are turning out so cute! The girls also wrote a rough draft for their personal narrative stories (before the break), and I will be helping them edit those as well in the coming weeks. 

Finally, the girls learned about concrete poems and visited the website to create a snowman poem. They look really cute! We will print these out, and the girls will decorate them next week.

We ended the week on a fun note with a visit to Bacot Hall to see our Big Sisters. The girls learned a little about the Women's Suffrage Movement and made banners. Click here to see pictures from this event. 

Have a great weekend!

Reminders and Upcoming Dates

* January 17th- Snow Day: This is a surprise. More information to follow on this.
* January 20th- Student Holiday
* January 25th- Snowball Dance- 6:00-7:30pm
* February 3rd-14th- Swim lessons (M, T, W, Th): More information to come on this.

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