Saturday, December 14, 2019

Weekly Update!

The girls worked hard and had a lot of fun as well! In social studies, we wrapped up the scrapbook project presentations and the A to Z booklets. In addition, on Tuesday, we had a wonderful speaker from TowneBank. She taught the girls the difference between needs and wants and how to be thoughtful consumers. Click here to see pictures from this event.

In math, the girls were assigned a word problem, which included a real-life scenario using multiplication or division. They worked in groups to create a skit using any materials they could find in the classroom. The girls really enjoyed this activity! Click here to see some pictures. We also reviewed for the test, and I was very happy with the results! Look for this assessment to come home in your daughter's packet of papers on Monday.

In writing, the girls wrote a rough draft of their narrative stories. Next week, we will start the revision process. We will practice adding interesting leads/hooks, supporting details, and dialogue.

On Wednesday, we had a wonderful visit from our pen pals at St. Chris. The girls really enjoyed reading stories and having a nice treat. Also, the boys drew pictures filled with holiday greetings for the girls. A fun time was had by all. Click here to see pictures from this fun event.

On a side note, as we head into the last week before break, I would like to remind the girls to be on their best behavior. I realize there is a lot of excitement in the air and the girls are looking forward to Christmas. However, I have received several not so great reports from Specials teachers, and I have noticed some things as well in the classroom. I've already had a couple of "heart to heart" conversations with the girls, but nothing seems to be working. I told them that I am hopeful we can have a fun last week before break, but it is up to the girls to make it happen!

Reminders and Upcoming Dates

* Please let me know if your daughter will not be at the Gift Service on Friday, December 20th.
* Please consider volunteering in the lunchroom. There are many open spots next week, as well as in January and February in 2020. Here is a link to the Sign-Up Genius. Thanks so much (in advance) for your help. It is so appreciated!
* Dec. 20 LS Gift Service 9-10  
* Dec. 21- Jan. 5th- Christmas Break

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